A Village with a Swordsmith and the Sound of Hammering—Rakan no Sato, Aioi
槌音が響く刀鍛冶がいる里へ ~日本刀に込める一鎚入魂の想い~ 相生・羅漢の里
Tatsuyama Ishi, a Miraculous Power Stone with a History of 1,700 Years — Ishi-no-Hoden, Takasago —
シーボルトも訪れた!1700年の歴史を紡ぐ奇跡のパワーストーン 竜山石 ~高砂・石の宝殿~
Yokoo Tadanori's beloved hometown Nishiwaki.Visiting the history and culture built by Banshu-ori.
横尾忠則の愛した故郷 織都・西脇~播州織が築いた歴史・文化を訪ねて~
[FPstory]Blessings gifted by earth
[FPstory]Passed down 800 year, and...
[FPstory]Live with nature
[FPstory]Prologue to Sake Brewing
[FPstory]Vivid marine has back
【FPstory】酒米の王様・山田錦 旨みのいのち